Terms and Conditions

Justin Goff Entertainment Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction

Justin Goff Entertainment, a sole proprietorship, operates under the email address jgoffcrew@gmail.com. We operate off our website, justingoffstore.com, and can be reached at +12095959990.

  1. Service Description

Justin Goff Entertainment provides ticketed live music events, non-ticketed live music events, song releases, SMS reminders, and merchandise.

  1. Payment Terms

Justin Goff Entertainment accepts PayPal, credit card, debit card, and cash. All sales are final, and there will be no refunds once the purchase is complete and the ticket is delivered to the phone number of the input user. For cancelled events, refunds can be requested by texting +12095959990, and a refund message will also be sent to all phone numbers with options for refund receipt.

  1. Ticketing

Tickets are issued electronically and sent to the phone number provided by the user. The phone number input by the user must be able to receive SMS and MMS messages to receive the ticket. Users are responsible for ensuring they can receive tickets via SMS/MMS. Justin Goff Entertainment is not liable for lost or deleted tickets, but users can request ticket re-sending by texting or calling +12095959990. Each ticket has a unique QR code, scanned once for event access. Tickets may be transferred, but each individual ticket can only be used once. If multiple tickets are purchased, each ticket sent is unique and can only be used once for access.

  1. User Obligations

Users must act within the law, refraining from:

  • Groping, physical assault, harassment, or disorderly and disruptive conduct
  • Verbal interruptions or shouting indecent remarks
  • Public or private sexual remarks towards unconsenting individuals
  • Public remarks towards consenting individuals within reasonable hearing distance of other attendees, especially children
  • Remarks based on racial, sexual orientation, gender, or other forms of discrimination

Justin Goff Entertainment reserves the right to refuse service and eject patrons without reimbursement.

  1. Prohibited Items and Activities

The following items are strictly prohibited:

  • Drugs of any kind, including marijuana, nicotine, cocaine, heroin, opioid painkillers, LSD, methamphetamine, or other mind-altering substances
  • Open containers of alcohol not purchased at the venue through legal means
  • Possession or distribution of any illegal drug, narcotic, prescription medication, or firearms by or to a person under the age of 21 will be reported to law enforcement upon discovery.

Prohibited activities include:

  • Lewd and public displays of affection, including sex, masturbation, nudity, or explicit behavior
  • Throwing objects or destruction of property
  • Assault or any other state, local, or federal crime or violation of the law
  1. Ejection Policy

Justin Goff Entertainment reserves the right to eject patrons for any reason, including but not limited to:

  • Violating prohibited items and activities
  • Engaging in disorderly conduct or harassment
  • Failing to comply with staff instructions
  • Possessing tickets that do not function within the normal bounds of our system

Ejected patrons will not receive reimbursements.

  1. Intellectual Property

Justin Goff Entertainment owns all intellectual property rights to original songs. Violations or unauthorized use will result in legal action.

  1. Dispute Resolution

Complaints can be submitted by texting or calling +12095959990. Staff will address in-person complaints, issuing warnings or ejecting patrons based on conduct severity.

  1. Liability

Justin Goff Entertainment is not liable for:

  • Destruction of property
  • Theft
  • Injury
  • Any damages or losses arising from events

Users indemnify Justin Goff Entertainment against all claims, damages, and expenses.

  1. Governing Law

These Terms are governed by California laws.

  1. Changes to Terms

Justin Goff Entertainment reserves the right to update these Terms.

Additional Provisions

By using Justin Goff Entertainment's services, users acknowledge and agree to these Terms, incorporated into our Privacy Policy.